Mariolis Farm Palairos Aitoloakarnania - Livestock farm - Fattening Calves - Fresh Meat

Mariolis Farm Palairos Aitoloakarnania - Livestock farm - Fattening Calves - Fresh Meat

59792 Visitors:
Address: Paleros
Telephone: 2643041173
Mobile: 6944792054, 6940024566, 6971736262
P.C.: 30012
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: 6940024566
The farm unit based in Paleros Aitoloakarnia is a family owned business, fully equipped with modern facilities for the breeding of sheep and goats. We are active in the breeding and production of sheep and goats - veal and milk for three generations. In the heart of Western Central Greece, where we come from, we continue pursuing our vision in a modern facility to provide consumers with quality and safe products in meat and milk. In our modern facilities we breed calves and sheep and goats. It i...
59792 Visitors:

Paleros, Aitoloakarnania

59792 Visitors:

The farm unit based in Paleros Aitoloakarnia is a family owned business, fully equipped with modern facilities for the breeding of sheep and goats. We are active in the breeding and production of sheep and goats - veal and milk for three generations. In the heart of Western Central Greece, where we come from, we continue pursuing our vision in a modern facility to provide consumers with quality and safe products in meat and milk. In our modern facilities we breed calves and sheep and goats. It is a family-run farm in which all family members contribute to the efficient management and operation of the farm. . With the help of experts, with great care and effort the farm is being upgraded with ever more ambitious goals. In this regard, the contribution of the specialized scientists working with the breeding, and especially Mr. Margiolis Athanasios, who determines the nutrition plan of the breeding and plans its management plan, is also important. The present and future goals of farming are to improve animal genetics with an emphasis on increasing the quantity and quality of milk, as well as on the production of disease-resistant breeders that threaten modern farms. Most of the feed for sheep nutrition is self-produced (barley, wheat, corn, alfalfa hay, vetch). Thus, breeding is largely self-sufficient and can meet the nutritional needs of animals with excellent quality and fully controlled feed. Our unit has modern facilities that contribute to the health and well-being of the animals, as well as facilitating daily work. We hope you enjoy browsing our site. Our farm is visitable and we would love to meet you. Our vision is to provide consumers with quality and safe products in meat and milk. Our sheep and goats are fed vegetable, pure foods following all the certification rules. Our goal is to develop a state-of-the-art organic production and production unit in our county. Wholesale - Retail. With appreciation by MARGIOLIS ATHANASIOS


Paleros Aitoloakarnania Livestock Unit Breeding of calves
Paleros Aitoloakarnania Livestock Unit Meat production
59792 Visitors:


Telephone: 2643041173
Mobile: 6944792054, 6940024566, 6971736262

Working Hours

ΑΠΟ 8.00 ΕΩΣ 21.00
ΑΠΟ 8.00 ΕΩΣ 21.00
ΑΠΟ 8.00 ΕΩΣ 21.00
ΑΠΟ 8.00 ΕΩΣ 21.00
ΑΠΟ 8.00 ΕΩΣ 21.00
ΑΠΟ 8.00 ΕΩΣ 21.00
ΑΠΟ 8.00 ΕΩΣ 21.00